Mystery Gifts

Well, now that things have settled down a bit and we’re getting back to our “normal” lives as best we can, I need help in finding out some information.

For our wedding we received a few gifts and a number of cards and gift cards. One gift was missing the card which said who gave it to us. Another gift was accidentally shipped to our next door neighbors–who were in the process of moving… Apparently their mother opened it and discarded the box before they discovered it was actually intended for us.

So if anyone knows who the following gifts are from it would be very helpful so we can thank the right peoples.

1. A Lovely Spice Assortment. WOW!
2. A Wine and Cheese Tasting Gift Set. (We love wine!)

Let us know if you know anyone who might have given us these! Pass the word around! Please!

Thank you. And thank you to everyone for the lovely gifts we’ve received so far. Heather got a 30 GB Video iPod with some of our gift money today and she is tickled pink! We were also able to stock up on much needed stuff from Tarzhay Boutique. Thank you everybody!!!

New Look

Tell me what you think… I’ll now have to redo all of my graphics but that will be fun anyway. And now I’ve got a little extra width! Can’t go wrong there!

The graphic is currently random each day. I’ll be working on a way to set it up for certain Holidays etc.

Take a look at some of the links I’ve added back into the mix. I’ll be updating those as well.


I just wanted to extend extra thanks to those who continue to support us in our loss. My Dad is well loved and we all shared a lot of stories all week long. There certainly is no doubt that he will be missed. The burial in Park Rapids was nice and we all had a lot of time to talk about him during the lunch we had.

We’re back in town now so if you want to give a call–please feel free.