This is me in a 1970 Barracuda. My friend Ben had borrowed it from Neal–a coworker of his. I didn’t actually drive it. We merely took a picture of me in the driver’s seat to make my car savvy woman jealous. Mean? Nah.
This is me in a 1970 Barracuda. My friend Ben had borrowed it from Neal–a coworker of his. I didn’t actually drive it. We merely took a picture of me in the driver’s seat to make my car savvy woman jealous. Mean? Nah.
Holy crap! I found a very old web page that I made in 1997ish. I’m not sure exactly when I started this page but most of it is made with Paint and an early version of Paint Shop Pro. I just corrected the worst of the HTML to allow you to have a look at it. I’m glad my skills have improved over the years but this is a fun example of some of my earliest HTML attempts.
Well I just said goodbye to an old friend this morning. I retired my FreeBSD 4.4 box this morning.
[adam@k9 10:46:57 ~]$su –
[root@k9 10:47:05 ~]$shutdown now
Shutdown NOW!
shutdown: [pid 15815]
[root@k9 10:47:14 ~]$
*** FINAL System shutdown message from adam-at-k9+dot+policebox||||org ***
System going down IMMEDIATELY
K9 Mark II is in it’s place and running within expected parameters.