I love it when a weekend is packed full of events. This weekend was no exception. Heather and I spent most of Saturday just hanging around the house. The so-so weather was enough to keep us indoors most of the day. We also had a great dinner on Friday night. However—I think we were both suffering the after effects of possible slight food poisoning. We both felt ill most of the day. So it was a good day to do mostly nothing. I struggled with the Tivo that Heather recently purchased from Adam V all day long. Then the damn thing wouldn’t fit in the armoire where we keep the NES and the Satellite System. I was pretty miffed by midday. I did help the neighbor kids find their baseball in our backyard and later that night I ventured over to Adam Vs for their BBQ. It was pretty late so I didn’t stay long. But I got to try some of Tom Harty’s patented guacamole… which incidentally is derived from the same recipe that my patented guacamole comes from. So I challenged him to a dual. Andy also said he would participate. Adam V will be the judge for IRON CHEF GUACAMOLE! Now we just need to pick a date and hire the judges.
Sunday was a crazy day. After deciding I was going to get a new piece of furniture for the Tivo, I convinced Heather to come with me. My plan was to head over to Ashley furniture to try and find a matching piece for the bedroom. She suggested Best Buy. I agreed they might have something simple we could get so we were off. When we arrived we didn’t find much in the normal entertainment system area, so I suggested we head over to the Computer Furniture area. I wanted to show Heather a $300 entertainment credenza* that I had my eye on.
*Entry: cre•den•za
Pronunciation: kri-‘den-za
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian, literally, belief, confidence, from Medieval Latin credentia
2 : a sideboard, buffet, or bookcase patterned after a Renaissance credence; especially : one without legs
Here is what happened. We got to the area that I wanted to show here and the thing was on clearance. It was marked down to $169! What a deal! But wait. There’s more! The guy that was manning the department told us that all floor models were an additional 75% off. That meant the credenza was now $40. Talk about sweet! So we left Best Buy with:
Heather’s new office chair

An Entertainment center for the Tivo and bedroom electronics
My entertainment credenza (for my records and misc. stuff in my office)
Two black leather ‘entertainment cubes’ True Seating Leather Storage Ottoman with Serving Trays
And some clearance CD Racks for Heather
Sunday was a blast too. We got up early, went to Byerly’s for breakfast and then grocery shopped. We returned home, went for a bike ride and then laid in the sun and enjoyed Margaritas. Later I hooked up the PS2 and the Dreamcast and enjoyed some classic gaming. Sunday afternoon Matt stopped over with the Miata and we gawked at it for a bit and then we three–Adam, Heather and He–went to our friend’s house for a Barbequee. Wee! On the way back from the BBQ I took Heather to DQ for a tasty treat. It was packed! We returned home, and went to bed. So it was a great weekend overall! Yesssssss.