Well, Heather, Ben and Noah and I went to Grand Ol’ Day today. Before we set out we played some NES and had a drink at my bar. Once we arrived, it was a lot of walking and expensive food. The weather was beautiful. I bought a footlong hotdog. I can still feel it burning in my chest. But it tasted good. We walked around for a couple of hours basking in the sun and the 80 degree weather just people watching. I sunburned my neck–and my nose. Heather is a little pink too. On the way back we stopped at DQ and I got a lemon/lime Mr. Misty Float, Heather a mint blizzard, Noah a vanilla cone and ben a Hot Fudge Sundae with peanuts. Yum yum. By the way, if you EVER go to Grand Ol’ Day always wait to buy food at Kowalski’s market. They had the best deals on food and water by far. Yum! Thanks Kowalski’s! Overall it was fun–but it’s not exactly my bag. Next weekend I wanna go to Valley Fair. BAD. Anyone who want to go is welcome. Let’s make a date of it!
Author: akooyer
Ange Kitty is Hurting.
Ange was hurt yesterday and is in Kitty ICU at the U of M. I’m a little scared for her. There is no conclusive evidence of what caused her injury except that she was either kicked, hit by a car or something may have fell on her.
Yesterday, at about 4pm, Heather found her in the alley when she brought out the recycling. She was whimpering and dragging her left foot with her head down. She was obviously in a lot of pain. Heather called me and we decided to meet at the Kitty Clinic on Lyndale and 35th in Minneapolis. They said we needed to take immediate action and that she looked ‘pale’. I suppose they can tell that from looking at there nose color and the skin near their eyes? Anyway, we had the option of spending less money on her and having her IVed at the Kitty Clinic after which we would be responsible for taking her to an emergency care facility. Then in the morning we would also be responsible to transport her again. They also offered us the option of taking her to the U of M Veterinarian Hospital where she would receive around-the-clock care. The Veterinarian at the Kitty Clinic said that they are very good but more expensive. I opted for the U. We left the Kitty Clinic and used the directions the Kitty Clinic gave us. They were not that accurate as the main route into the Veterinarian Hospital was detoured. We got there in good time. Dr. Tart was the animal physician in charge of our case and the Kitty Clinic had called ahead for us so they took her right in and got her on an IV. After taking her history and giving an explanation of what types of things they would be looking for, with mixed feeling we left her behind with the doctors. I’ve been amazed with their treatment of Ange. She was treated just like a member of the family the whole time we spoke with them. It was kind of surreal. For an instant I imagined what it would be like to have a child that might have been hurt. They treated us and our cat the same way a doctor of humans would treat a parent and child. In a way, that was very soothing. They informed us they would update us later in the evening of her progress.
Ironically, my cousin through marriage, Emma, who is married to my first cousin Seth, works at the U of M Veterinarian Hospital at night–so Ange was well cared for. Emma called me last night and exclaimed, ‘What the heck is your cat doing in my ICU?!’ I had talked to my mom about this earlier so I knew Emma could potentially be there working. I didn’t expect her to be working with my cat! It gave me relief to know that someone with whom I was close was taking care of my kitty. In addition to Emma’s reassuring call, the doctor did give me an update last night. She had been responding well to the IV and pain medication. However, Dr. Tart thinks that her c3-c4 vertebrae may be damaged. She is not certain and will have to have a radiologist confirm. I will know more later this morning. In the meantime, if you pray’pray for her. If you hope’hope for her. If your thing is to just support, that’s appreciated too.
Update 10:28 a.m. May 28th, 2004:
I just spoke with Dr. Hammel who is working with Ange today. He is going to run some metabolic tests. It seems that she may not have been struck. She may have cancer. He will be calling me back this afternoon with metabolic results’which includes blood test, metabolic tests and the like. This is to rule out some sort of metabolic issue. I don’t think I will be able to afford the CT Scan if everything checks out with her blood. The CT Scan and the spinal tap would run near $1000. I’m not sure what I’m going to do.

The doctor called back and the bloodwork has shown nothing conclusive. I am therefore making the incredibly tough decision to take her home without a CT scan. She will be put on a steroid medication. Hopefully, we will see some improvement and she can live a little longer. If she doesn’t improve then I will be forced to make another decision. I don’t think I have the words to describe how angry and upset I am right now. Ange is a tough cat. A day before this happened, she hunted a bird and brought it to me as a gift. (I know–gross, but that’s what she does) Later that night she slept at my side in the night as she often does. Everything was normal. Now, she is suffering and all I can do is stuff a pill down her throat and hope.
I did talk to another person today who recently had his cat at the U of M ICU as well. His cat also suffered from cancer. He actually was able to give his cat the ct scan and still ended up putting him down. It comforts me that so many people understand that these things sometimes happen. However, I still don’t want to make a decision like this. It pretty much just hurts to think of her gone. Yeah, she can be ornery–and is most of the time. However, she loves to ride on my shoulders and seeks me out daily. She hears me get home from work and runs across several lawns to give me her loud greeting. As with any animal that has been a part of my life I simply do not want to let go–even though I know I have to someday.
To top it off this comes only a few days after a good friend of mine, Andy Graff, called me up to let me know he has been pronounced terminal with his cancer. Andy and I have been friends for years and though we are not extremeley close I get together with him once or twice a year. I recently helped him setup his computer at his new residence in Apple Valley and he was doing OK though and we’d hoped he was going to kick this. He’s only 28. He was diagnosed with cancer over two years ago and has had one lung removed as a result. He never smoked. He never did anything in particular dangerous to his health yet he has it. The doctors gave hims 6 months. This coupled with my own pet’s problems and recent family events have started to make me feel down. Having Ange sick just amplifies Andy’s health problems and makes me mad at the disease.
I hate cancer. HATE it.
Sorry to focus on such a down subject, folks. I will keep anyone updated who would like to know. For now I’m ending this subject in my blog.