College of Engineering
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
3801 W. Temple Avenue
Pomona, California 91768 USA
Bachelor of Science, magna cum laude, May 1999
G.P.A.: 3.54 Class Rank: 31 out of 380
- Cal Poly Computer Science Review, NT Server News, Online
Editor, 1998-1999
- The Linux
Grapevine, Staff Writer, 1998-1999
- Avionics Digest, Positioning the NSEA Protector
as the Prototype for 21st Space Exploration June, 1997
- Comments, Mirrors and Redundancies: An Inside Look at
Network Mirroing -
Sections 10(b) and 14(e)
- Pomona Reader, My Dinner with Gwen, April, 1996
- Windows NT Newsletter, Southern California NT Support
- Employee of the Month 11-1-99 - TCBY Yogurt
- Winner of First Year Windows NT Support Society Competition
- Interactive Circuit Analysis Award
- GalaxyQuest Web Ring - Runner up Site of the Year
Honor Societies
- Windows NT Society
- Alpha Epsilon Lambda
- Phi Delta Phi
- PASCAL Society
- Electrical Engineering Honor Society.
- Golden Key Honor Society
- The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
- Alpha Lambda Delta
- President's Honor Roll
- Provost's Honor Roll
- Dean's List
- Omicron Delta Kappa
- Southern California Questerian Society
- Omicron Delta Epsilon
- Chief (President), Windows NT Workgroup, "The Highest Honor
Attained at Cal Poly, Pomona Computer Lab"
- Vice Chair, Linux Research Society
- HTML Coders Association
- President, Phi Beta Lambda
- Vice-President, Omicron Delta Epsilon (Engineering Honor Society)
- Student Activity Fee Allocation Committee - responsible for the
allocation of activity fees
Computer Skills
- Hardware: IBM PC, PS/2, Thinkpad, Apple II, Amiga, Vax, HP,
PCMCIA, SCSI, Terminal Emulation,
Various Network Connectors, MAU's, Various Network Cards, (ie.
Ethernet, Token Ring), Bridges, Modems, 386 and 486 Platform
Network Servers, Various Printers, Tape Backup Units, IBM 4381
Mainframe, IBM 3174 Controllers, IBM 4245 High impact printers,
IBM 3480 Tape Cartridge drives.
- Operating Systems: DOS, Windows (95 and NT),
MacOS, UNIX (Solaris, AIX), OS/2, VMS, Netware, Banyan Vines
- Development Tools: Visual C++ (C++;
Windows), Visual Café (Java; Windows).
- Languages: BASIC, C++, FORTRAN, Pascal, PROLOG, Java, Perl,
Javascript, HTML, XML
- Software: Microsoft Access 97 (Windows), Microsoft
Office, AMI Smartsuite, Word Perfect, Norton Utilities,
Microsoft FrontPage 98 (Windows), Sybase (Solaris), Oracle 8
(Solaris, NT), Mathcad, Matlab, Microelectronics, Program CC, Spice,
Banyan Vines 4.10 - 5.54 (10), MS Windows 3.1, Enable OA, MSDOS
6.21, Harvard Graphics, Norton Utilities, Dbase IV, Approach 2.1,
AmiPro 3.0, Lotus 123 4.0, Freelance Graphics 2.0, Ban Scan,
Beyond Main, Lotus Organizer.
Hobbies & Interests:
- Reading: American history, GalaxyQuest trivia, eastern philosophy,
science fiction.
- Activities: Badminton, chess, photography, racquetball,
memorabilia, weight training, world's biggest
GalaxyQuest fan.
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant:
- Instructed Electrical Engineering Labs and evaluated student
assignments. (08/1998 - Current)
Manager TCBY Yogurt:
- Assist in overall workflow.
Trouble shoot any unexpected situations. Responsible for a staff of
eight.(05/1996 - Current)
Occupational Experience:
- Researched the rate of expansion of different clusters of
stars. (06/1999 - Current)
- Designed, built, tested and installed a High Speed Toepler Pump
Controller. (01/1998 - 06/1999)
- Used Fuzzy logic to optimize communication in a parallel
computer simulation. (12/1997 - 03/1998)
- Assisted Networking LAN for Global Positioning
Satellite (GPS) information services. (11/1996 - 10/1997)
Management Experience:
- Provided supervision and guidance for over 400 students and
coordinated more than 30 programs.(08/1998 - Current)
- Directed a staff of 15 Resident Advisors. (07/1997 -06/1998)

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