It’s Like a Lite that Turned On My Sony…

I’ve been having some trouble with my cheap DVD burner that I bought from NewEgg a year ago. It wouldn’t burn DVDs at slower speeds than the advertised media and it seemed to screw up a bunch of my DVDs. So until 10 minutes ago I had a Sony DVD RW DW-D22A DVD Rom Drive.

What happened?

It turns out that Sony rebrands LiteOn drives. The model I have was the same as a LiteOn S0HW-1633S. It also turns out you can flash it with a newer firmware: To make it an even NEWER drive that supports 12x burning.

I did it. It’s working. Good thing the drive was only $39 on sale.

My Gallery

Well, I’ve added a new section to the navigation bar. Check out my gallery! Right now all it contains are the photos that were on my website previously, but it will soon contain many more that I’ve been stockpiling for the last few years.