For a long time, I’ve been a social smoker. Mostly I ‘bummed’ them from friends or whomever. And smokers are always willing to enable. Recently decided enough is enough. Too many people close to me and otherwise are running into health problems these days…
A close friend of mine recently had a lung removed… he’s 25 and doesn’t even smoke. The fact that I voluntarily inhaled carcinogens finally bothered me enough to say NO. He just finished Chemo the first week of 2003.
Another friend tells me that her close friend (a smkoer) has just had a lung removed as well. Prior to this she mentioned a mentor who had smoked for many years died of lung cancer in his 40s.
My dad quit when he was 32. He’s now 52. I’m 30. So I hope I can live a long and happy life just like my father has– sans cigarettes. Everyone has to have a reason to quit. Everyone knows the reasons to quit.
So when this message finally scrolls– check out the archives to see just how long it is since I’ve quit. I’m not going back. The counter will not stop. I choose life.