Some of you may remember the official Dreamworks web page for a great film called Galaxy Quest.. It featured the mad web skillz of one Travis Latke and was launched in tandem with the film.
The film itself is specifically an intelligent spoof of the popular cult sci-fi show, Star Trek. At the time, the web was littered with hundreds [possibly thousands] of Star Trek Fansites–many of them written by exuberant fans with little or no html skills. Although some of these fan’s skills may have improved over the last 6 years, many sites like this exist even today. These sites allow them to express their enthusiasm for things which ‘fans’ truly appreciate–including our beloved Star Trek. However, the sites also often yield information about the individual that may or may not mark them as–shall we say–eccentric?
Travis Latke’s Galaxy Quest Page is one such page. Dreamworks created this page much as they did the film. It’s a spoof! It is a parody of evey fan site complete with graphical hard rules, blinking text, flashing bullets, animated ‘new’ buttons and even a copy of Travis’ resume. It is brilliant. It was up for a relatively short period of time and then dropped. Since then, there have been other Galaxy Quest sites–some are actually pretty good! Dreamworks still maintains the name registration for galaxyquest.com–however it no longer produces a web page when entered into the location bar in your browser.
On occasion, to have a good laugh, I would I visit the wayback machine to see the site. The wayback machine is a web archive that has been around for a long time. It tracks as many sites as possible archiving the pages as they were written. Some of mine exist from as far back as 2000. However, they are often missing graphics or other items that the Wayback Machine couldn’t harvest. Recently, I decided to visit every instance of the GalaxyQuest.com website to glean every graphic and item available to effectively mirror the original site here at my own domain: adamkooyer.com.
So finally, it is with great pleasure, I give you in it’s entirety (with the exception of that darned quicktime trailer):
It will also get a place in my links section to the left. So if you decide to come back to look for it–it’s right there. 🙂
Thanks for reading,
kinda funny, that website brings back some memories of my first few tries making a web page of my own. I remember getting very excited when I found out how to do some of the tricks I see in Latke’s page. LIke the mouse-over pictures and the whole cut-out to make a transparent background thing. There’s just no limit to the amount of text you can put in a blink tag without it looking lame. it’s great!