All three of my computers are up and running. This includes my Apple IIc, my Macintosh G4 and my P4 Dell. (I know ~hiss~ ~hiss~). Anyway, I also got my scanner running again and scanned in some artwork for the new blog header. You might remember it if you were at SuperCon two years ago. Melissa Kaercher used me as a model (and case study) for entertainment purposes. The result? This image:

(As always–click to enlarge.)
Darn fine likeness, no? She’s a great artist!
Thanks Melissa!
by Chan Poling
They dug me up with a big old stick
Put on my head in the middle of the night
I have these shoes that are way to big
And that’s not the worst part
They took my heart from a stranger
They stole my heart from the stranger
I have the heart of a stranger
I’m Frankenstein
I like the hands that they gave me
They’re big and at least they can feel
But the tongue they finally put inside me
It’s hard to make work
I try to speak with thoughts inside me
But all that come out are the angry parts
Don’t look at the scars that bind me
They’re not even my scars
They took my heart from a stranger
They stole my heart from a stranger
I have the heart of a stranger
I’m Frankenstein
I’m Frankenstein
They dug me up with a big old stick
Put on my head in the middle of the night
I have these shoes that are way to big
Somethin’ doesn’t feel right
They took my heart from a stranger
They stole my heart from a stranger
I have the heart of a stranger
I’m Frankenstein
They took my heart from a stranger
They stole my heart from a stranger
I have the heart of a stranger
What are you drinking? Carbonated scotch?
I’m not sure, but I’m playing ‘Times Up’. That’s a GREAT game BTW.
Oh, and if you like the Chan Poling CD: "Calling All Stars" I currently have profiled on the left side of this site, ironically there is a song entitled "Frankenstein".
The quotes in this image are of course directly related to Mary Shelly’s creation.
i’ve never had carbonated scotch…but it gives one a bubbly feeling to know that one’s music is appreciated (well, listened to, anyway). I think I’ll make a new record now. Ciao! CHP